• March 26, 2025
Process for New E-Passport Bangladesh

The necessary criteria for a new Electronic Passport include the following:

Any Bangladeshi citizen with a valid Machine Readable Passport (MRP), digital birth certificate, or National ID (NID) can apply for a new electronic Passport (ePP) at the Bangladesh Embassy in Berlin. It is important to note that the applicant must personally visit the Embassy for the enrollment process. The following documents are required for the application:

  • Please print a copy of the online application form with a bar code. You can find it at www.epassport.gov.bd.
  • Schedule an ePP appointment online to provide finger print biometric data and obtain a printed copy.
  • Please provide one photocopy of the current valid Bangladesh Passport (1-2 pages for MRP) along with the original valid Bangladesh Passport.
  • Please provide a photocopy of either the applicant’s National ID Card or their Digital Birth Certificate. This should include the 17-digit number and a copy of the online verification.
  • Please provide a photocopy of your valid Student ID card if you wish to avail the student discount. This offer is applicable only to students with a valid student ID card. Additionally, please bring your original student ID card for verification purposes.
  • Other pertinent documents (such as a marriage certificate, divorce certificate, notary public documentation, etc.)
  • Here is the proof of payment for ePP to the Embassy Bank Account. The Embassy Bank Account details are as follows: Embassy of Bangladesh at Deutsche Bank, Account number: 233 27 73, IBAN: DE 80 1007 0000 0233 2773 00, BIC (swift-code): DEUTDEBBXXX.

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