• March 25, 2025
real estate ageant

One of the most common complaints I hear from rookie real estate agents is that they lack fresh ideas for finding their first selling client. Getting buyer customers appears to be very simple, and many brokers appear to be scared by the prospect of finding listing clients. Here are some reliable methods for locating listings.

What Factors Do Sellers Consider When Choosing A Listing Agent?

The old adage goes, “Buyers purchase houses, sellers buy marketing.” I believe this to be true! Your potential listing only has two goals: to sell quickly and for the greatest money. They frequently believe that a high-profile Realtor may assist them in doing so!

On Vistaprint, you may create a brochure that shows your distinctive abilities! This was something I did very early in my practice. You may order as little as one sheet, and possessing that small piece of paper gave me the courage to approach sellers!

Check with your coworkers for listings. There are undoubtedly people in your area that have listings and would welcome open homes, stunning photographs, or free promotions. Borrow listings to use in your marketing to target the same types of sellers you’d like to work with in the long run!

Always, At a listing presentation, the last thing you want to say is, “I’m not sure about that, let me get back to you.” Instead, you should devote a significant amount of time to researching your areas, learning about the market, and understanding statistics such as DOM (days on market), absorption rate, and % of list price. You don’t have to memorize all of this, but you should have a good understanding of what’s going on in your general area and then in the neighborhood where your first listing appointment is scheduled.

What Should You Do With Leads?

I KNOW you’re eager to get to the “how do I acquire my first listing” section of this article, but please bear with me! You’ll start getting leads for listings once you start doing some of the marketing I’ll propose in this post, and the saddest thing in the world would be to let them all go to waste. As a real estate agent.

Your first task is to add 5 new people to your database every day! 

This is what will allow you to follow up on leads later on. I recommend MailChimp for this because they have a free version for beginners and plenty of training for new users. So, who are these people you’re going to include? That’ll be down below! 8 Reasons Why Being A Listing Agent Is Better Than Being A Buyers Agent

Once you have a database of people, you should email them at least once a week. This doesn’t have to be strange; you could just send a note on a recently listed property, a home tip, or even a recipe if that’s your thing.

The most common issue I encounter with people’s lists is that they believe they must wait until they have “enough” individuals to message or that they are afraid of “bothering” them. You should message them weekly straight away with something very fascinating to let them know you’ll be actively communicating with them.

The most common issue I encounter with people’s lists is that they believe they must wait until they have “enough” individuals to message or that they are afraid of “bothering” them. You should message them weekly straight away with something very fascinating to let them know you’ll be actively communicating with them.

Some people do this automatically by setting up a “drip marketing” campaign, which is simply a series of emails sent out once someone joins up. DO NOT make this too difficult for yourself; it may be as simple as explaining aspects of the real estate process to first-time seller prospects or providing fascinating facts all real estate about your area or city

Email Marketing for Real Estate Agents is an additional resource.

real estate agent

Where Do You Look For Your First Listing Client?

I don’t think you’ll be interested in all of them. Choose one or two to concentrate on, then get to work!

 Family and friends

When you first start out in real estate, it’s tempting to avoid disturbing your friends and family, but they can be a great source of early listings. After asking them if it was okay to give them information from time to time, I added everyone I knew to my database… To obtain their consent, I wrote to them as follows: I’m overjoyed to inform you that I passed my real estate exam and received my license! I’m trying to compile a list of people who might be able to recommend my clients, and I’d love to have your name on it. Do you mind if I ask? I will only send you fantastic information and would much appreciate your assistance!

Was it frightening at first? Perhaps a little, but no one was cruel; some said no and many said yes.

I questioned EVERYONE I encountered, including my dentist, doctor, neighbors, friends, friends of friends, manicurist, and so on!

 Lives on Facebook/Instagram

This is, in my opinion, one of the most effective new marketing channels we’ve seen in a while. Going “Live” from an open house, while previewing a property, or even just spotlighting an area is a great method to pique potential sellers’ interest (and buyers).

Popping open your phone once a day and basically announcing what you’re up to in the real estate world is a terrific method to get your business noticed.

The reason it’s so popular right now is that Facebook and Instagram will inform your followers when you’re life and promote recording for a while after it’s finished. This is far more successful than posting on social media at random.

Videos on YouTube

This could be the way marketing goes in the future! People rarely have time to read a 3,000-word blog article or even a fast email, so they turn to YouTube to learn about local products and services.

As a listing agent, you can stake a claim to whatever area you like by filming the gate, amenities, sample houses, and other features. You may simply establish yourself as a known expert in your town or area by taking people on “tour” videos and discussing what is interesting about your neighborhood!

It’s beneficial to learn a little bit about YouTube SEO, but it’s far simpler than website SEO and hence pretty simple to master.


Let’s go old school now that we’ve hit some “cool, new” digital marketing strategies. Sitting belly to belly will be a terrific technique to generate listing leads. That said, you should be very selective in whom you network with! Here are a few people who could be able to assist you in getting your listings off the ground quickly.

Realtors – Many listing agents may refuse to list properties that are less than a specific price or are too far away from their office. Make friends with listing agents and tell them you’ll gladly pay a 25% commission for each listing lead they provide you (along with the fact that you’re a stickler for following up!) – You can accomplish this over the internet using emails, Skype calls, and other methods.

Those who work for the seller – Consider handymen, landscapers, painters, and others who are the first to notice when a homeowner begins to “spruce up” their home in preparation for sale.

Connectors are a type of connector. Focus on the pleasant folks when it comes to “normal” people! For instance, I frequently share on social media and suggest individuals. My husband, on the other hand, never refers to anyone else, so he wouldn’t be a good supply to tap into.

To meet potential clients, hold seminars and workshops.

Provide seminars and workshops for buyers, renters, and sellers to meet new clientele from various businesses. You could, for example, go to schools and provide seminars on renting. As some tenants like to buy when their lease expires, this can lead to a few deals each year and the possibility of a long-term investment.

Maintain Contact with Former Clients

Keep in touch with your old clients because they are a terrific source of referrals. To keep your relationship alive, Vegas One Realty recommends sending them periodic emails to see how they’re doing. As a result, you’ll be the first person they think of when they need to purchase or sell a home, or when someone asks for a referral.

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