• March 26, 2025
Indian online visa application

How To Fill Out Indian Visa Application Form

Apart from a passport, an Indian visa is one of the most crucial documents required for persons who are not Indians to enter the nation. This post will go over the details that must be included when completing the Indian Visa application form.

It will be necessary to give the following information:

  • Surname: This is the applicant’s last name or family name, and it should be spelled precisely as it appears on their passport.
  • First Name: Also known as a given name, this information must be provided along with the applicant’s middle name and must match the information on the passport.
  • If an applicant’s name has changed at any point, they must check the box that reads “yes” and submit their full name, including their prior first, middle, and last names.
  • Customers will be required to enter the name of the nation in which they were born. They must double-check that this information matches what’s in the passport.
  • Customers must provide personal email addresses, even if some forms allow them to skip this step because some consulates demand it.
  • Individuals who do not have a National Identity Number can type N/A if they do not have one.
  • Customers must choose their religion, and if it isn’t provided, they can choose ‘Others’ and type in the appropriate name in the available box.
  • If an applicant has a visible mark that can be used to identify them, such as a tattoo or birthmark, they must supply it; otherwise, they can type ‘NONE.
  • Educational Qualification: Applicants must choose an education level from the following options:
  • Below When an applicant has not completed more than 10th grade, he or she is referred to as matriculating.
  • When the applicant has completed a university or college education.
  • When the applicant has completed high school, he or she is considered higher secondary.
  • When an applicant is illiterate, it means he or she has never been educated.
  • When an applicant has completed the 10th grade, he or she matriculated.
  • When a candidate has completed his or her studies beyond the university or college level, he or she is considered a postgraduate.
  • When someone gets technical or professional training or certification, they are considered professional.
  • Applicants must specify whether they were born in the Bangladesh or obtained citizenship through naturalization. They must declare their previous citizenship if they are naturalized.

Section on Passport Information

The information they must submit regarding their passport is addressed in the next section.

  • Customers must submit information about the country in which the passport was issued.
  • Applicants must state the date on which their passport will expire.
  • Other information, such as the booklet number, tracking number, and so on, will be required of Pakistani passport holders.
  • If an applicant has a green card from the United States or a permanent residence card from another country, they must declare it.
  • They must pick the ‘Save and Continue/Exit’ option once these details have been mentioned in order to avoid losing their data.

Section for Address Specifics

  • Under the ‘Present Address’ section, applicants must enter information about their current residential address. They will also need to show verification of their address, such as a driver’s license, a utility bill, or a copy of their lease. Applicants should be aware that there is a limit of 35 letters in this space.
  • Customers must additionally enter their ‘Permanent Address’ information under the appropriate subject. If their permanent address is the same as the address they provided for their ‘current address,’ they must check the appropriate box. If it is different, specifics and proof should be provided.
  • Citizens of non-US countries must have a permanent address in their home country, or if they do not have one, they must specify the address of one of their relatives.

The section on Family Information

  • Applicants must include the names of their mother, father, and, if applicable, their spouse.
  • In the event that the applicant’s paternal or maternal grandparents are from Pakistan, they must state so. If they don’t, they must remember to check the ‘NO’ option.

Occupation/Profession Details Section

  • Customers must choose a profession from the list that best fits their current position.
  • If the applicant is a student, minor, or a stay-at-home parent, they must provide information about their father or spouse’s occupation.
  • They must state the name of their employer or the company for which they work.
  • Applicants must include their job title as well as their employer’s or company’s address.
  • Applicants must also offer their phone numbers and information about their prior employment.
  • Applicants who worked for a military, security, semi-military, or police group must check the appropriate box and submit information such as the organization’s name, rank, designations, and post.
  • They must pick the ‘Save and Continue/Exit’ option once these details have been mentioned in order to avoid losing their data.

Details about the Visa that is being applied for

  • When applying for a visa, applicants must first choose the type of visa they require, as well as supply extra information such as –
  • The visa’s duration, which typically ranges from 6 to 120 months.
  • Single, double, triple, and many entries are examples of different types of entries.
  • Applicants must state the objective of their visit as well as their anticipated travel date.
  • Applicants must also state the city in which they will be living when they initially arrive in the nation

Additional details that are required (depending on the type of visa that is required)

  • Indian Business Visa – Applicants must supply their name, phone number, address, and email address, as well as the name, phone number, address, and email address of the company with which they will be working in India.
  • Indian Business Visa Transfer – Customers must submit the details of the visa to be transferred, as well as the passport from which the visa must be transferred.
  • Indian Conference Visa – Applicants must specify the number of days they want to spend in India.
  • Applicants for Indian Diplomatic Visas will be required to furnish additional documentation and information if the Consulate so requests
  • Customers must submit their professional qualifications, the name and address of their Indian employer, their designation in India, and their income that will be paid here when applying for an Indian employment visa.
  • Applicants for Indian entry visas will be required to supply extra documentation and information if the Consulate so requests.
  • Transfer of Indian Entry Visa – Applicants must provide details of the visa to be transferred as well as the passport from which the visa must be transferred.
  • Applicants for an Indian journalist visa will be required to supply additional documentation and information if the Consulate so requests.
  • The patient’s name and passport number are required for an Indian Medical Attendant Visa.
  • Indian Transit Visa – The applicant’s destination country before and after transiting India. If the applicant holds a visa or residency in that nation.

Information about a previous visit

  • If the applicant has already visited India, they must check the ‘Yes’ box and provide details about their visit, including where they stayed and what they saw, as well as their previous visa.
  • The applicant must also state whether or not they have been denied permission to visit or extend their stay in India.

Information Supplementary

  • In the last ten years, applicants will list the countries they have visited.
  • Name, phone number, and address of their Indian reference, as well as references in Canada and the United States.
  • They must pick the ‘Save and Continue/Exit’ option once these details have been mentioned in order to avoid losing their data.
  • If they need to change something, they must choose ‘Modify/Edit.’ They should pick the option ‘Verified and Continue’ once they are certain of their responses.
  • They will receive a confirmation number, which will include the File and Applicant numbers, once they have finished and submitted the form. The File number is not the same as the Temporary Application ID.
  • This form can be printed as well. Customers should be aware that corrections cannot be written by hand. If changes need to be made after a form has been submitted, the application form must be filled out all over again

Keep these suggestions in mind:

The following are some helpful hints to remember when filling out the Indian Visa application form.

  • Applicants should be aware that when applying, they must select the appropriate Indian Mission (Consulate).
  • Individuals will see an ID for temporary application at the top of the website when applying for a Visa. They must remember to save this ID since else, the information may be lost.
  • Indian visas are typically granted for terms ranging from 6 months to 10 years, depending on the type of visa, the charge, and the applicant’s citizenship.
  • On the final page, after applicants have completed all of their questions, they will be able to evaluate and verify their responses. This is the last chance for candidates to remedy any errors they may have made, as they will no longer be able to modify it. After that, the form must be printed.
  • The application must be printed on two pages and signed on both pages.

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