• March 28, 2025
What is finance

what is finance definition

today’s topic is Finance is basically what finance is. What is finance question answer is very simple but when we want to answer this thing at a time when there is a lot of confusion, finance is a process of connecting, utilizing, and managing? Money finance is a process by which money is collected, utilized, and managed, So Collecting Money means that we need an organization to collect funds. Funds can be collected from different places. It can be a bank loan or a means of personal savings. To run your own business, but one thing to keep in mind in this place.

Making a profit

If the cost of capital does not always have to be less than the rate of return, the business will not be profitable, the business will be a loss. The cost of the source from which I will grow my business should be less than the return of my business.

Utilizing off many

Utilization refers to investment, that is, the amount of money that is collected for business from different sources.

You have to get rich through investment. However, in the case of utilization, we face the risk, the amount of risk that an organization will take depends on the nature of that organization, if the risk is more, then the profit will be more. And if the view is low then the return will be low.

Managing Money

The overhaul process means we first manipulated from different sources and invested in different places. The whole process is to manage this process. Managing money Finance is a process through which the cash in flowing and outflows of an organization are managed. That is, from what source money is coming and from what source Mane is going

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